South of the 10 + L.A. Zinefest 2024

Archival Recordings 22

South of the 10 + L.A. Zinefest 2024

Archival Recordings 22

I Love Los Angeles. There is no other place that I can realistically call home and I have always had an appreciation for the nuances and details that define its neighborhoods. Every block has a story and I find it important to document these spaces in my way. This installment of Archival Recordings is focused on the urban landscape of South Los Angeles, a place that occupies a prominent space in popular culture yet is underrepresented in the photographic world. To an enormous segment of the population it is the definitive L.A. experience.

This has been a pretty big week for Los Angeles. Yesterday we celebrated Juneteenth and Kendrick Lamar completely destroyed things at his immediately legendary Popout show. I won’t get into whole rap battle aspect of it (*cough, cough, “Not Like Us”...) but looking over the photographs, both professional and personal, from the show almost made me tear up. We are the most beautiful city in the world when we all come together and I haven’t seen L.A. show up like that since the Lakers Championship parades of the early 00’s. It was a display representative of the best of us and of South L.A. specifically.

On that note, I just released the 2nd Archival Recordings Photo Essay titled “South of the 10”.

It is a collection of 20 photographs I’ve taken in the past year in the area between the 10 freeway and MLK Blvd., bordered on the east and west by Flower St. and Normandie Avenue. This part of the city is home to USC and the school's impact (both positive and negative) on the topography is apparent everywhere you look. This set is a part of my ongoing study of the impact that gentrification has had on South L.A. that I started back in 2017 and is likely the basis for the next printed Archival Recordings zine (that you can subscribe to here: ).

2024 L.A. Zinefest

This Sunday, June 23, 2024 I’ll have a table at the Los Angeles Zinefest. It’s the first in-person event for my Archival Recordings project and I’m really excited to connect with my fellow vendors and the community as a whole. I’ll be selling copies of both Archival Recordings zines as well as copies of my book, “Knowledge Based” along with some other photo zines including a throwback from the Snapshot Galleria Days and the final book in my Public Work series.

I’ll also be selling a few art zines from my secret stash that I made under Nonstndrd Creative. These are all pretty rare and not available anywhere else. Definitely worth a look.

The Archival Recordings/Nonstndrd Creative table will be up the whole day, come through if you’re local and say hello! Be sure to visit the LAZF website for more information on the event (which is free BTW!).

L.A. Zine Fest
Please Read our Important Announcement About L.A. Zine Fest 2020.

Hope to see you this Sunday!
-Kwasi B.